My only goal is helping you sell your products or services so you maximize your revenue

A direct response copywriter

  • chooses words and images then
  • carefully arranges them in the right order to
  • motivate prospective customers and customers

to try products and services.

My goal  — my only goal — is to help you get more business and increase your revenue through writing direct response copy that WORKS … that brings you RESULTS.

If you are a Company

  • that writes your own copy, or
  • outsources your copy

or an Agency providing copy to companies and businesses, my job is to help you improve your bottom line.

And I love it when I see the results my writing generates . . . over and above the monetary reward to myself.

I LOVE using the power of words to SUPERCHARGE businesses of all sizes.

Words can do that, along with images, IF you put them in the right order…

Some neat stuff in your newsletters and I like the innovative approach you take there.

How I Became a Professional Copywriter

Born in Melbourne, Australia, I was educated at Mt. Eliza’s The Peninsula School where I learned how to appreciate great literature, great writing, even becoming a decent writer myself, so my teacher and mentor Mr. Abeyaratne told me, more than once.

I also developed an intense interest in human behavior and exploring what it is that motivates people to think and act they way they do.

That led me to the completion of an undergraduate degree in Anthropology at the Australian National University. I earned a doctorate in Anthropology a few years later.

During those years I trained in quantitative and qualitative research methods where measuring behavior is central to understanding it.

My first job was in a Geographical Information System lab (ACASIAN) helping market GIS datasets internationally in one of the earliest academic e-commerce initiatives at that time (late 90s).

I also began to write and publish on my own blog before “blog” was even a thing. (A later version of that original site is still online).

I moved to Taiwan in the mid 2000s, where I learned all about business and manufacturing in the bicycle sector.

I worked mainly with one small business while branching out to help other small companies improve their business communications, advertising, and online visibility, as well as writing about companies in trade publications.

My clients now include high-end electronics firms such as Benq and Sumitronics, and large agencies such as Olily, although I still work extensively with SMEs.

In my spare time I go cycling and hiking.

And I read…a LOT.

Here’s a cross-section:

I read widely which gives me insight into wide range of potential writing niches.

My services include:

  • Content writing
  • Web copywriting
  • Email Newsletters (writing, strategy, and research)
  • Direct response
  • Website content writing
  • Sales letters
  • Direct response marketing
  • Copywriting for advertising
  • Marketing strategy

I look forward to hearing from you, finding out about your company, and what you’re aiming to achieve.

I am certain I can help you.

To contact me click right HERE.

To YOUR marketing success

Glenn Reeves

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